This “Availability Dashboard” tab gives an overview of your vehicle classes and their availability in the form of graphs over a period of time that you select. The first box you find on the dashboard will show you the availability per vehicle class, which will be a more practical way to look into your fleet availability.
<aside> 💡 Keep in mind that the due date on repair orders affects availability on step 2 of reservations, as well as the availability calculation for reports and dashboards, such as the utilization graph on the Daily Manifest.
You can change the period of time that you would like to with these 2 steps:
Step 1
Click the date on the top right corner of the screen as shown in the picture below, highlighted in red.
Step 2
Next, when the dates appear, select the period of time that you wish to show and click the green “Apply” button. The system also has some default time periods for you to choose from.
This tells you the number of vehicles available in the form of a graph during the period of time. Each color in the graph represents a different vehicle class that you have in the system.