This form settings page is where you can create forms and manage the settings of the forms that you create. This page has 2 tabs which are Forms and Settings.

Where can I find this page?

This page is located under the Form category in the settings, highlighted in dark blue in the picture below.



This tab gives an overview of all the forms that you currently have in the system. By default, the system creates the “Fine” form. Every form that you create here will appear under a new category on the menu.


This tab lets you manage the general settings for the forms as a whole. Once you have done making changes to the setting, click the blue “Save” button, highlighted in red in the picture below to save the changes.


How to add a new form?

Firstly, click the blue “Add Form” button located on the top right of the page, highlighted in red in the picture below.


Next, fill in the details of the new form category that you are creating. You can hover over the question mark tips to find out more information about the setting. Once you have completed it, click the blue “Save” button highlighted in red in the picture below to save the form category.


How do you delete a form?

Firstly, click on the form category that you would like to delete. Next, click on the red “Delete” button located on the top right of the page, highlighted in red in the picture below.