This article is a step-by-step breakdown of how to enable Tesla Supercharger Sessions imports in your HQ Rental Software account. This feature will allow you to import a transaction file into your HQ account, and the system will automatically assign the transactions to the corresponing reservations. Follow the steps below to complete the configuration.

Step 1 - Create a Support Ticket

First, create a support ticket with the email subject “Enable Tesla Supercharger Sessions”.

The HQ support team will validate if your system has a Professional or Enterprise subscription, and enable the toll tracking module in Settings → Enabled Modules.

Step 2 - Select the toll companies

A new section called Tolls will be enabled, here in the field called “Toll Companies” navigate and select Tesla Supercharger Sessions, and click on the blue Save to apply the changes as shown below.

There are two options:


Step 3 - Export Tesla Supercharger Sessions

Go to Tesla and sign in. From your Tesla account, export a .CSV file with the Supercharger Session transactions.