Vehicles can have the following statuses in the system:
- Available: This status means that the vehicle is available for rental.
- Dirty: This status means that you are able to rent your vehicle but that it should be cleaned up because it has recently been returned from another customer.
- Returned: This status is for vehicles that return from long-term bookings. It is meant to set the vehicle as not available for reservations because it’s probable that the car will need maintenance after a long rental. The returned status allows time for an inspection to be completed to determine if it’s just “Dirty” or if it needs to be “Out of Service.” From “Returned,” it is expected that the user inspects and puts it into “Dirty” or “Out of Service.”
- Rental: This status means that the vehicle is out with a customer.
- Out of Service: The vehicle is not available for rental due to maintenance or other reasons. You can use the Available Date field to set when you think this vehicle will return from a repair, and the system will take that into account when calculating availability.
- On Sale: This status indicates that the vehicle is up for sale. This will show that the vehicle is not available for rental when doing availability calculations.
- Sold: This status shows that the vehicle has been sold. This will keep all the details of the car and the reservations that have used this car but will not show it as available for rent.
- Complementary: This status shows that this vehicle is a unit that you want to have in your fleet but do not want to rent it out to a customer. You can use this status for vehicles that your team can use for special deliveries or internal usage.
- New: This status shows that the vehicle is not yet in your parking lot but will be arriving soon or that you have plans to have it. You can use the Available Date field to set when you think this vehicle will arrive at your parking lot. This will allow customers to reserve the vehicle after or on the date that you have set.
- Repossessed: This status will keep all the details of the car and the reservations that have used this car but will not show it as available for rent.
- Stolen: This status will allow you to keep all the details of the car and the reservations that have used this car but will not show it as available for rent.
- Reserved: A vehicle in the “Reserved” status cannot be booked. It behaves as rental and out-of-service statuses.
- Totaled: A vehicle in “Totaled” status behaves as sold. This will keep all the details of the car and the reservations that have used it but will not show it as available for rent.
- Recovered: This status identifies a car that has been recovered from being stolen or repossessed. Since the Recovered status affects the availability, you can use the Available Date field so that you can set when you think this vehicle will arrive at your parking lot. This will allow customers to be able to reserve the vehicle after or on the date that you have set.
💡 The vehicle statuses that prevent a vehicle from being rented in reservations are “Rental”, “Out of Service”, “On Sale”, “Sold”, “Complementary”, “New”, “Repossessed”, “Stolen”, “Reserved”, “Totaled” and “Recovered”.
The reservation statuses that affect the availability of a vehicle class are “Pending Reserved”, “Open” and “Rental.”