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The driver verification functionality is available within the Self-Service Add-On.


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The driver verification does not support digital IDs or Driver’s License


Reduce the risk of significant asset losses by taking advantage of every feature in the Vouched identity verification toolkit. Maximize security and ensure every customer is legitimate by augmenting Vouched’s award-winning visual identity verification solution with digital data analysis, social security validation, and real-time driver’s license validation.

Our driver validation feature, powered by Vouched, seamlessly integrates into the HQ Self Service web process, offering a secure and effortless way to identify and authenticate your clients. Trust in our solution to verify individuals reliably, regardless of their location or the time of day.

Get in touch with us today to elevate the security of your Self Service rentals through the seamless integration of Vouched. Protect your assets and ensure the legitimacy of every customer interaction.


Basic Advanced
Pricing $1 / validation $3 / validation
Identity verification Yes Yes
US Driver’s license check (DMV) No Yes
Cross-check No Yes
IP address check No Yes
Physical address check No Yes

Download company presentation:

VouchedAuto Overview for HQ Rental Software 12Jan2024.pdf